George Will and the Clueless Establishment

Posted on August 21, 2015 by Robert Ringer Comments (81)


I almost never watch Chris Wallace’s Fox News Sunday, but I made an exception last weekend because I wanted to see his interview with Ben Carson. Carson, as always, was great.

But I made the mistake of not turning the TV off after the interview ended. In a moment of uncontrolled masochism, I started watching Wallace’s “expert” panel, consisting of some liberal gal from the Washington Post and two of the most obnoxiously arrogant statists on the planet, George Will (affectionately known to his detractors as “Wee Willie”) and Arthur Brooks.

Wee Willie is one of those cartoonish, delusional Beltway Bubble intellectuals who have made careers out of being wrong most of the time. But Brooks is a mystery man to me — a guy who was a professional musician for nine years, playing the French horn for bands in Baltimore and Barcelona, Spain, as well as teaching the instrument for three more years.

I have nothing against the French horn, but I’m befuddled by what in Brooks’ resume got him the job of president of the American Enterprise Institute. But I guess it makes sense in the world of establishment Republicans.

Now, please indulge me while I go all the way back to 1978 and lay a foundation for what Wee Willie had to say this past Sunday. When the media was having a field day with the titles of my first two books — Winning Through Intimidation and Looking Out for #1 — he wrote a snooty, self-righteous column (all of his articles are snooty and self-righteous) titled “Shortcuts may lead to Nasty Places.”

In his trademark pretentious style, Wee Willie wrote, in reference to Winning Through Intimidation, Looking Out for #1, and a couple of other personal-development books that were bestsellers at the time, “You should tremble for our country when you see how the times, and ideas of seriousness and improvement, have changed.”

Because his Beltway shield protects him from the real world, he had no clue that his snarky little comment was an insult to millions of people who had purchased my books (not to mention the other two books). Of course, it was obvious from his words that he hadn’t taken the trouble to read either of my books, but truth is a minor inconvenience to bogus journalists like Wee Willie.

So, why am I bringing up his stupid comment after all these years? Because he’s been doing this kind of dismissive “journalism” for decades, and he did it yet again — big time — on Chris Wallace’s show last Sunday.

As a preface to his main points, he started off by saying that Donald Trump is a “one-trick pony.” Maybe he was referring to the fact that all Trump knows how to do is make money and promote himself. Hmm … no, that wouldn’t be correct, because it would make him a two-trick pony. I guess you’ll have to ask Wee Willie himself what he meant by that throwaway, dismissive comment.

He went on to say that the Trump phenomenon is the same “primal scream therapy” that attracted so many voters to George Wallace in the sixties and early seventies. According to Wee Willie, such voters were just throwing a “mad as hell” tantrum and had no intention of actually voting for Wallace.

He concluded his supercilious tirade by saying that when things get serious, voters will ask, “Do we really want to give nuclear weapons to Donald Trump? At which point, I think things change.” Excellent point. In fact, I’ve been lying awake at night wondering if a President Trump would nuke the whole world — just as Ronald Reagan did back in 1981. (Oh … that’s right. Reagan didn’t do that. His detractors just said it’s what he would do if he were elected president.)

Now to the unctuous, over-the-top French hornist Arthur Brooks. Though he is relatively unknown outside the Beltway, his comments were even more pompous and insulting than Wee Willie’s. He began his turn at the mic by saying, “This is a low-information, high-entertainment, high-protest moment. It’s summertime. It’s the same in the movies — it’s low-information, high-entertainment.”

Even liberal Chris Wallace flinched at his gallingly dismissive comments, but the French hornist wasn’t through. He then added, “If this persists past Labor Day, it’s something for the Republican Party to panic about.” (His inflections made it clear that what he meant by that comment was that the whole thing is irrelevant right now, and that Trump’s lead certainly will evaporate by Labor Day.)

He still wasn’t through: “Republican voters will gravitate toward the person who is most qualified to be president. … Republicans always come back. They came back to Mitt Romney.” (I’m not making this up. He actually said this. He apparently is so stupid that he thought people who are mad as hell would come to their senses and vote for a Republican establishment candidate because it worked out so well when they “came back” to Romney.)

At that moment, it occurred to me that if Trump should actually pull off the biggest election miracle in political history, the guy who sent him soaring beyond reach might just be a French horn player-turned-Republican-establishment bigshot. Yep, he’s actually proud of the fact that RINOs were able to get mad-as-hell Republican voters to support Miraculous Mitt.

What Wee Willie and his French-horn sidekick were clearly saying to millions of Fox News viewers who support Trump was, “You people are ignorant, but when it’s time to get serious, you’ll fall into line — just as you did for Dole, McCain, and Romney — and do as you’re told.”

This is the kind of Beltway claptrap that made Howard Beale such a lovable character in Network. People were mad as hell then, and they’re a whole lot madder now. This time around, they want The Donald … or Dr. Ben … or Ted Cruz … or Carly — anybody but the usual kind of Republican statist putz they always end up getting. But, in all fairness, I guess you can’t blame the establishment for being so confident that Republican voters will “come back” — because, to their shame, they always do!

If these Republican establishment characters annoy you as much as they do me, let me let you in on a little secret: Most of them are afflicted with the Dunning-Kruger effect. As I explained in my article “Blissful Incompetence,” the Dunning-Kruger effect is in evidence when incompetent people suffer from delusions of superiority and overrate their own abilities.

It’s the very fact that these people have such a low level of understanding of the real world (i.e., the world outside the Beltway Bubble) that they lack the awareness to accurately judge their own skills. Further, they tend not to recognize the higher skill level in others.

In the case of Wee Willie, hornhead Brooks, and their cohorts, they appear to be totally unaware of what’s happening in what is supposed to be their own area of expertise — politics — and thus grossly underestimate the ability of the average voter to accurately assess the field of Republican presidential candidates.

More specifically, the reason died-in-the-wool RINOs still believe that another establishment candidate is just what the Republican Party needs — notwithstanding the Dole, McCain, Romney disasters — is because they do not recognize their own inability to understand the public’s determination to rid America of career statist politicians.

I don’t know if Donald Trump will actually win the Republican nomination, but if instead the winner turns out to be a Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, or Carly Fiorina, they will owe him a debt of gratitude for blowing the lid off the decades-long scam that establishment Republicans have been able to foist upon Republican voters for decades.

I think it’s safe to say that The Donald saw the movie Network — and, notwithstanding the fact that he’s a “one-trick pony” — learned a heck of a lot from it. Too bad Peter Finch (Howard Beale) didn’t live long enough to see what’s happening in America 2015. I think he would have loved it.

Robert Ringer

+Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.

81 responses to “George Will and the Clueless Establishment”

  1. What an excellent post, Mr. Ringer! I love it! Let us hope for the best. Somebody electing Hillary would be the very worst! Or any other current Democrat. And to think… when I was a young college lad, I fancied myself a Liberal and a Democrat. Age, thought and experience changes a person's mind, thank God! But, being in an ass-backward period of history, I fear the worst may yet continue to happen.

    • IHeartDagney says:

      By all rights, the Hildebeast should be in jail by the time we vote. Then, hopefully, we can have the first election with bold colors. The Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren Anti-American Marxist Democrat party against the Ted Cruz Conservative PRO-America Republican Party. What fun THAT would be!

      • Ellis Baxter says:

        One would hope … however, right now the democrats have given up on Hillary, and JEB so you will see more movement to Kasich by the media. One more Rino more or less is not a problem as Bush proved! And to be clear Elizabeth Warren is not a Marxist she is a devout Neo Fascist, now granted they will not admit to that in public; but nevertheless the policies add up to that. The democrat party is captive of elite fools, who are supported by the Pagan Cult of the democrat party, whose sacrament is human sacrifice i.e. abortion !

        • @IvenHerkon says:

          You (and other presumably concerned Republicans of good faith and reasoned intentions) would do yourselves a lot of good by letting go of the tiresome mischaracterization of everything that you do not agree with as "Marxist" or "Anti-American" or whatever other silliness used to underscore overly narrow or paranoid thinking.

          At some point, once the debris of statists and the Wall Street co-opted on both sides are somewhat cleared, the two sides are going to have to be willing to do productive business with one another.

          At that point, the histrionic laden rhetoric and demagoguery of such language isn't going to help you, but only hasten your further marginalization. The system won't work if its frenzied and hyperbolic right-wing vs everyone else, regardless of who is nominated..

          • Fred Beene says:

            Spoken like a true democrat. You guys need to brush up on American history. You have been so brainwashed by your "education" that you don't have a clue as to who and what a true American is. Furthermore, it is a spirit and philosophy and not a system of government.

  2. theczech says:

    We the people must…we must get control of this runaway train or we are going to lose the gift known as the "American Dream" forever. You help pull us back from the ill effects of this elitism, nonsense and poli-babble. So many of these people claim they are thinkers but their words, writings and actions bely them.

    • Jim Hallett says:

      The problem is that there is no entity "We the people" and the statists and elitists that flourish under mob-rule (aka democracy) have run away from the Declaration of Independence, and the only hope of a real American dream. It was tolerable for the first century plus, but once the sick "progressive" movement seized control (started with TR, but really picked up momentum with Wilson and FDR), there was no chance for liberty, individual rights, protection of property rights, etc. The Federal Reserve and IRS of 1913, FDR's 'nanny state b.s. of the "Screw Deal", LBJ's horrid "Great Society" plunder, and now topped off with neocon fools promoting war in every hamlet on the globe, and a Marxist puke, Ovomit, in the WH. If the 2016 election boils down to the Clinton vs. Bush crime families, they should hand out hemlock packs to the voters as they enter the booth!

      • theczech says:

        Here, here Jim. I was hoping someone would define the American Dream so eloquently! May I say that in a nutshell it is; maximum reasonable individual liberty.

      • theczech says:

        PS. RJR did a much better job articulating the American Dream than I in his book "Restoring the American Dream."

        • Jim Hallett says:

          And I recall reading that book, part of it while sitting on the steps of the Capitol listening to the National Symphony and waiting for the Beach Boys concert as part of the July 4th Capitol Bash in either 1980 or 81 (I lived in nearby Alexandria, VA from 6/80-3/82)

  3. michael Johnson says:

    This could be reduced to a few paragraph. The central point stated in the first. Ringer apparently thinks people want to wade through through his ego filled references to his decades old books and astoundingly rambling political insights.

    • dslyoga says:

      Personally, I quite a bit enjoy Robert's references to his past materials. Brings back fond memories of reading them.

      And it never dawned on me that he was "ego filled" beyond what's necessary to be the extremely successful person he is. You don't produce great works and get them out there with a minimalist ego, that's for sure. …

      And Rambling? Never noticed that either.

  4. QueensMary says:

    Ben is anti-gun AND pro forced vaccine. A very bad combination.

  5. rdiamondesq says:

    Thankfully the voters do the actual voting – not the "talking heads" on TV or in the Press. What I love about Trump is that he is calling people out – for example stating that much of the political press was dishonest (they certainly are intellectually dishonest), that the political system was broken because politicians do favors for those who contribute etc. I am entertained watching the talking heads on both sides – liberal and conservative attack The Donald because he is NOT establishment at all. And the poll results say VOTERS love what Trump is saying. And in the end its the voters that will elect the next President. Bless Trump for calling people out and calling it as he sees it. It is a breath of fresh air.

  6. Albert says:

    I saw that interview as well, and I must say, as usual, you hit the nail on the head Robert. The arrogance of that interview was without parallel, and actually had the opposite effect of what the "experts" want to see happen, as it makes me want to go out and vote for the opposite of whatever babble they were spewing. How's that saying go, "Hubris before the downfall" Let's see what happens after Labor Day…

  7. rdiamondesq says:

    One last thing – when was it that the "press" such as those on MSNBC or FOX decided they would be totally partisan and simply feed their audiences what they wanted to hear? For example FOX and the WSJ praises pretty much all things conservative and republican and MSNBC and the NYT praise pretty much all things liberal and they both denigrate any idea or action by the opposite party. That is the heart of their intellectual dishonesty. Is this something that has been with us since the press began or is it a more modern invention. I remember hearing a quote attributed – I think – to Rush Limbaugh that his job was to gather an audience of desirable prospects that his advertisers could successfully advertise to.

  8. Reality99r says:

    Mr. Ringer you have been carrying a grudge for a long time but in this instance you are 100% correct.
    The country (and the world) is so out of control only a pragmatic non politician such as Trump, Carson, or Fiorina can give us any hope of saving it. Trump's brilliance, leadership and negotiation skills, outsize ego, and fearlessness may very well be the panacea to deter the country's mirroring of the decline of the Roman Empire for the next four to eight years.

  9. MM from Georgia says:

    Very good column by RR. George the expert Will claimed Ronald Reagan was unelectable back in 1973, when Ronnie was a mere 62. Of course at age 69 the other RR won big in 1980 and at age 73 in 1984 he won all but one state. Beltway buffoon "Wee Willie" Will (triple W!) had claimed in the 1970s the party should get (liberal) RINO Howard Baker to run. Howie could win in November! WWW is lucky he gets paid no matter how bad his predictions are. Baker voted for Jimmy Carter's Panama Canal sellout and ruined his career. Good. Baker was the McCain-Dole-Romney of the 1970s. One Trick Trump seems to have a lengthy trick working for him. It's called understanding the working class.

  10. ryannagy says:

    I have a great deal of respect for how Trump has changed the conversation and injected excitement into the election process. He should be applauded for that. However, he has no chance of winning the presidential election. In case you have not noticed, the "angry white male" voter does not have enough numbers to win a presidential election. Trump alienates women, latinos and blacks. In other words, he is dooming the Republican party's chances for this election cycle. It is not a matter of logic and what one believes. It is matter of numbers and statistics. It will be impossible for Trump to win. And he is bring the party WAY to the right on issues that matter to the majority of folks….if you are Republican, Donald Trump is screwing your chances to effect policy for the next few years….at least from the White House.

    • TonyGOP says:

      Trump is polling very well with Hispanics!

    • Robert Ringer RJR says:

      I respect your opinion, but this is the very kind of thinking that has gotten the Republicans where they are today – a non-party that lets the Dems call the shots.

      • ryannagy says:

        Thanks Robert. I am, at least nominally, a democrat. I enjoyed watching Trump wipe the floor with his opponents at the debate. And I would love to see an independent democrat do the same at the democratic debates. Right or left we are all, I think, sick of lying, establishment politicians.



    • Jean says:

      Who told you that Trujmp alienated "women, Hispanics and blacks"? The same media talking heads that told you Barack H Obama was the smartest man ever to run for the presidency? Trump alienated Megan Kelly and probably Rosie O'Donnell (two women, not ALL women by any means). Trump alienated those Hispanics who drifted over the border, refuse to learn to speak English and overuse the emergency rooms of every hospital while not paying for any services. Not those of Hispanic descent who came here legally and are established as American citizens. And blacks? Exactly why would Trump alienate blacks? Other than not promising the same level of free stuff that Democrats have used to lure them back to the plantation ? I personally don't think that Donald Trump will be nominated, nor do I believe he has the temperament to be president; he's much better suited to the Senate, and would do the people outside of NYC a favor if he opted to represent the rest of that state. But to make an uneducated blanket statement that Trump alienates certain groups based on what you've heard in the news or from opinion-disseminators like Chris Matthews is to be equally as mistaken as they are.

      • ryannagy says:

        As I mentioned, I like what Trump is doing and I like how he is changing the conversation. But my statement that Trump is offensive to many women, black and hispanics is uncontroversial and easy to demonstrate. Just go talk to some people. One does not need the news or a talking head. Yes, it is true that there are some people of hispanic descent, and women who support him. There are many others who do not. What exactly are you trying to argue about?

        • ryannagy says:

          Here is some data about Trump and black people. Only one poll, I know, but it is a start:

          Quinnipiac University released a national poll Thursday showing that while Trump is leading the Republican Party nationally, he is polling poorly with black Americans in the general election.

          The poll found:

          When asked "Would you say that Donald Trump cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?" 92% of black people said no.
          52% of black people said Trump does not have strong leadership qualities.
          73% of black people said Trump is not strong or trustworthy.
          79% of black people said they have an unfavorable view of Trump.

        • Jean says:

          No ryan, here is your statement- verbatim; "Trump alienates women, latinos and blacks…." Sounds pretty much like a blanket assertion to me. Of course Trump will alienate Democrat women, Democrat leaning Hispanics and Democrat blacks! Nothing he says sounds like the Bernie Sanders "let 'em eat cake and have people like Trump pay for it" rhetoric. As for your belief that Trump alienates blacks, you need to be better informed on that point also. Blacks by and large are the biggest champions of closing the borders! They see the entry-level jobs that were their ticket to getting into the labor market being snapped up by questionably legal immigrants, and they're mad as hell. McDonalds, for example, had been a champion of hiring blacks in areas such as Chicago's south and west sides, and then promoting the ones showing strong work ethic and some common sense into managerial positions – no college education needed. Now, most McDonalds are staffed by people whose grasp of the English language is iffy. They may not be as promotable, but they keep potentially qualified blacks out of those positions. I would venture that there are a lot more blacks, legal immigrants of all flavors and women who look favorably on Mr. Trump than you are led to believe. Especially if you spend all of your time talking to fellow Democrats!

          • ryannagy says:

            Your personal beliefs and the narrative that you have created certainly sounds plausible. But – alas – the data paint a different story – survey after survey show that many black folks do not like or trust Donald Trump. Case closed.

            Asl I mentioned I like what Trump is doing and I hope he keeps it up. He may find a way to increase his support. Hell, even Michael Krugman, the liberal economist realizes that Trump has economic ideas that make sense. Maybe other people will as well.

          • Stogie2 says:

            So 90% of blacks always vote for the Democrat. How has that changed with Trump's candidacy? And why is it significant?

          • ryannagy says:

            I make no significance out of it. Do what you want with the fact.

  11. Pauldz says:

    While I generally agree with RR's comments, his support of Trump is seriously misguided. Forget about whether Trump is a Republican or not (he's not), but whether or not he is a conservative (he's not). Trump is an opportunist.

    For example, he attacks Carly Fiorinna for her time as CEO of HP, but he's proud of putting four of his projects into bankrupcty and stiffing those evil bankers.

    His immigration plan is a non starter. He wants to load every Mexican who can't prove they are here legally, and their families and deport them. Kind of what the Nazi's did to the jews in Germany in the 1930's. And he wants to use an executive order to override the 14th amendment. Would any hispanic in the US vote for this guy?

    Does he want to stick it to the GOP establishment? Yes, and I don't blame him, I'm happy to see this happen because they have failed conservatives since Reagan. But I believe he is indifferent as to whether our next President is a Republican or a Democrat. He works both sides.

    • jamesthewanderer says:

      There is a HELL of a difference between sending Jews on a train to a concentration camp for execution, and sending them back home to their original nations, with allowance to return legally if they can qualify. Your Nazi invocation shows you misunderstand history and merely want to vent hysterics.
      This nation needs BORDERS and ENFORCED immigration laws. Every piece of land has a carrying capacity; you cannot raise 1,000 cattle on an acre. America has a carrying capacity: we cannot feed, clothe, shelter, educate and employ the entire world. You find out the carrying capacity of a piece of land when the cattle STARVE. You find out the carrying capacity of a nation when PEOPLE starve. Are you willing to be one of the losses? Are you willing to keep pushing the limits until someone else does?

      • Pauldz says:

        What does population density have to do with it? The US has a population density of 84 per sq mile. Most European countries have a density of 150+, UK and Germany are in the 600's.

        My point is that Trump's immigration plan is a non-starter, and all it does is feed the rage of the xenophobic racists who see a criminal every time they see a hispanic person. I know, I'm related to people who feel that way.

        I want secure borders as much as anyone. I just think Trump's plan for dealing with the illegals already here is a non-starter, and will never work. I don't have the answer; neither does Trump.

        • theczech says:

          Irrelevant I say! The law has been breached. Moreover, the law has been mocked and disrespected, ergo the American people as well. …don't like the law, change it.

          And please knock off the racist nonsense. Many of you don't even know the difference between ethnicity, race, and creed. There are only three primary races on this planet genetically speaking: Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasian – all who are not pure one of these…and that most people, are a mixture of two or three of these primary markers. Hispanics are considered Caucasian except where there is a large mixture of mongoloid (Asiatic) then they are considered Mestisos.

    • Richard Lee Van Der says:

      Trump, I'm sure, KNOWS that the total government, congress et al, would not allow "them" to all be sent back. So why say it? It gets a good response from the rest of us who wish he could… send them back where they came from… and, stop the Anchor Baby BS! Trump's strategy is a good one!

  12. RealitySeeker says:

    Firstly and foremostly the Donald won't save the American Empire —- nobody can, not even superman, not even if Jesus Christ resurrects George Washington, not even Christ himself can— because the socioeconomic changes have gone too far in the wrong direction to be walked back by anybody. Trump won't "make America great" again any more than Obama delivered "change you can believe in". What has Obama actually delivered? Obama basically doubled the national debt, ruined what was left of free-market health care, opened the floodgates of immigration wider, fanned the flames of race hate, heaped on piles of collectivist regulations, restarted the Cold War and finished conflating the Middle East and Africa……..So much for peace, security and democracy and the Nobel Peace Prize.

    What will Trump do? At best he'll slow the decline.. What he'll surely do is give you the shirt of off your own back.

    Would Trump be a better Caesar than Obama? Yes. Would he make better deals? Yes. Would Trump prolong American hegemony? Yes. Most importantly, Trump understands how to negotiate very large bankruptcies. And whoever becomes the next president is going to face an era that I call The Era of Great Sovereign Default. It's going to feel a lot like the era of the Great Depression. Then? By the time the next president finishes his/her first term. Yes. The day of reckoning is finally at hand, and the "day" is going to turn into a week, a month, a year and an entire presidential term. And it's not going to play out like 99% of the doomsday bugs are predicting.

    The next president is going to face up to the consequences of the super-debt cycle that began with Ronald Reagan and ends with Obama. The next five years is going to be a great time to be alive for a socioeconomic historian like me……..

    • Stephan F says:

      Doug Casey is an absolute expert & a genius in many areas. But he seems to have missed the mark with his call for a move south of the equator in order to dodge what appears to be the inevitable nationwide fireworks show that goes off when the shtf.

      On the surface his strategy seems reasonable, considering how quickly the country is being overrun by degenerates, zombies & parasites. And it's not to say he won't be proven accurate, anything's possible. But I think the better odds are still to be found here, by staying put & hunkering down in a nice, peaceful & out-of-the-way neighborhood…armed to the teeth, of course.

      That also happens to be the opinion of Richard Maybury, one of the smartest guys in any room. And, as far as I know, RJR still maintains a residence here in the people's republic. That says a lot.

      Whenever I have the urge (daily) to pick up my ball & jacks game & high-tail it out of here, I quickly erase the thought by recalling the disastrous real-estate deals in Chile a few years back. Many a feather was clipped from the wings of those gringo dodo birds down there. And surprisingly, these shady deals were headed by non other than a free-market advocate, whose name is…oh I forgot (but Jxxf really should have known better). No thank you.

      • RealitySeeker says:

        I remember reading about that "real-estate deal" on the Daily Bell. What happened didn't surprise me at all. It was reminiscent of the real-estate fiascoes that took place during the 70s on Baja California. The bottom line is that no place on earth is without risk.

        "One of the smartest guys in any room" on the subject of "hunkering down" is a man by the name of Joel Skousen. He's the author of "Strategic Relocation". I don't agree with Joel's religious outlook, but I do agree 100% with his expert opinion on how and where to position oneself for doomsday. If you're one of the few who believe in readying yourself for economic collapse, a zombie invasion, an EMP terror attack or an all-out nuclear war, then Joel's book is a must read. I keep a couple of copies handy as a reference guide just in case of a worst-case scenario.

        Currently, the doomsday bugs are crawling out of the woodwork as the global economy takes a nosedive. And they'll be articulating a lot of worthless opinions on what to do and where to go in order to escape economic and social turmoil. The truth is that there are plenty of good places to hole-up and gun-up right here in amerika. People should have already been busy stockpiling and preparing for a global economic decline, but it's still not too late— unless, of course, you live in a place like Venezuela. Remember and learn the lessons from Venezuela, because that's what an economic collapse looks like.

  13. Jim Hallett says:

    The Donald is entertaining, and since the rest of the statists are dull besides being immoral, it is a change of pace. He is NO Ron Paul, however, so to expect any reversal of the great decline of Amerika with any of the clowns running is completely delusional. Repulsicans keep nominating stooges who shoot themselves in the foot, while at the same time promoting shooting everyone else all over the world, and the Demoncrats just want more and more theft to redistribute to their cronies (after creaming off most for themselves, of course!). It is just Big Govt. A vs. Big Govt. B with both sides presenting virtually the same sorry tale of theft, coercion, world bullying, and the destruction of individual freedom. Both are just different wings of the same destructive "party" that cares not for anyone but the political class and its funding cronies. The best vote in Nov. 2016 is to vote "NO" as we simply do not want, nor can we afford, more of the same baloney.

    • RealitySeeker says:

      It's nice to read a comment by somebody who gets it. I agree with everything you wrote; however, you spelled "America" incorrectly—-tisk, tisk, tisk.

      The proper spelling is "amerika" with a lower case "a". At this point, the country doesn't merit an upper case designation.

      • Jim Hallett says:

        Point well-taken, as I do usually use the lower case "a" to represent the sovietization of a once-great land!

  14. LPrice says:

    I am a libertarian that would just love to get the government out of my backside. I am tired of politicians thinking I am too stupid to run my own life. I am tired of the FDA, EPA, IRS, NSA and other bloated bureaucracies killing me slowly with bad food, bad medicine and bad rules. How do we shut them down?

    • Jim Hallett says:

      And so am I, and a lot of other thinking folks, but we are outnumbered by the brainwashed hordes who have been trained to look to their evil govt. and its media shill handlers for support and "guidance". Since govt. does not own anything or produce anything, all that they can ever give to some has to be STOLEN from others, so that is what they do. Now, that we have so many on the receiving end, and a declining amount on the truly productive end, the whole farce becomes unsustainable. I am planning on spending at least half of the year in Chile and internationalizing ALL of my assets before the gestapo comes to steal them. Just listen to the idiots who support rubbish like Hilla Horribilis, and you will know we are past saving!

      • RealitySeeker says:

        "I am planning on spending at least half of the year in Chile and internationalizing ALL of my assets before the gestapo comes to steal them".

        The Gestapo is in Chile, too, so running to some hidey-hole might do you little good — if any. In fact, you might waste precious time and resources by moving abroad only to find that when the SHTF you become a juicy target.. As an amerikan citizen you'll never be totally accepted by the locals. As Doug Casey recently had to admit, "the Argentinean government treats us expats like milk cows, but it wouldn't surprise me if we are soon treated like beef cows". As the world economy turns down into what Doug calls the Greater Depression the smaller countries are going to be hit hard. I and many others have called out Doug for years on his promoting "La Estancia de Cafayate" as some expat Utopia free from the clutches of Washington. Anybody who has experience with these third-world shit holes knows how quickly they can become deathtraps. And if you don't speak the language, that only adds sauce for your goose. Do yourself a favor by reconsidering how many people lived well in America during the Great Depression. My great grandfather never stopped drinking during Prohibition and he never turned his gold in. There are ways around what's coming to amerika. It'll still be possible to live a good life.

        Furthermore, there is no other country that has a Second Amendment. Moreover, there's plenty of states left with better governance than Chile or any other Peronist country in south amerika..

        The only thing you'd have going for you in a foreign country is that the dollar kicks ass right now. And that is going to continue for sometime to come. So you could live a great lifestyle for as little as $1000 per month.

        If you want an adventure, fine, go for it. But don't kid yourself by thinking you'll be better off by trading amerika for latin amerika.

        Good luck, and remember that most countries begin with a lowercase.

        • Phil says:

          You make some very interesting points. My wife, daughter and I almost moved to New Zealand in May, with permanent residency and other perks. We have read and heard nothing but wonderful things about the people there, e.g., Mr. Ringer, and many others who have experience with the nation. And we loved living in Australia. But at the last minute we decided to postpone the move. Things are really looking odd right now, and getting more and more strange each day. I am not so sure that a small island nation, even NZ, will do so well if commerce with China and other trading partners slows markedly. There are benefits to being here, as well, if you understand what is coming down the pipeline and maintain your wits. Frankly, I respect the cultures of several countries more than what we now have in the States – my God, this Planned Parenthood thing is vile. And upon retiring would rather be surrounded with the authenticity that is more on display in some of these other countries. But biding one's time seems like a good move. Methinks that very interesting times are around the bend, and in fact are already here.

          • RealitySeeker says:

            I remember your post, and how excited you were about the move to NZ. If I ever have to move, NZ is on my shortlist. I have an acquaintance who is in the process of buying a house in Wellington. He writes me that the red tape is mind-numbing. He says it's so bureaucratic in NZ that almost everything has to be approved by some Kafkaesque official. There's a rule for everything in NZ. On the other hand, it's a non-violent, English speaking country which has some of the most beautiful and diverse scenery imaginable. Really, the benefits of living in NZ are too numerous to list. The exchange rate to the U.S. dollar is favorable; so if you derive your income in U.S. dollars, the advantages are many. But if you have to make your living in NZ dollars, that's a whole other ball game. NZ is in a bubble, too. For example, Auckland home prices have jumped 21% in the last year. Immigration is booming. Indians and Chinese are flooding into the country. And as the economic cycle turns down, there's going to be problems for resource exporting countries like Australia and NZ. It's going to be really painful. Everywhere.

          • Phil says:

            The housing bubble in Auckland is indeed huge, and as we continued researching further we ran right into the other issues you reference. We have not ruled it out entirely for the future – the coming correction might make it more attractive.

        • Richard Lee Van Der says:

          Maybe not $1,000 per month. I live in the Philippines and that amount would NOT buy a very good life here. And, yes, ALL AMERICANS are regarded as "rich" here. And when buying an item or a service, the price suddenly goes up, and if you don't know how to negotiate, you are screwed as an "American abroad". AND, you have to be a certain kind of person to do well in a foreign country, unless it is Canada…

          • RealitySeeker says:

            I agree with everything you stated. I lived in Thailand during the Asian currency crisis. And the Philippines was one of my favorite places to visit for a week or two at a time. Back then you could live like a king on less than $1000.00 per month. I sure did. In fact, it was hard for me to spend more than a thousand dollars per month. One month, I spent over $10,000 while I stayed in the Bangkok Mandarin Oriental. It was the lavish.

            Manila was as inexpensive as the capital cities of Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, Burma or Vietnam. I remember purchasing street food in Old Town Manila for a less than a dime. And a nice air conditioned hotel room could be had for less than 10 bucks per night or 30 per week. Times have changed, and so has the exchange rate; however, the dollar is going to keep on rising, albeit not in a straight line. The way I see it is this: before this currency cycle peaks the dollar could surpass its 1985 highs. By the time the dollar exceeds its previous high, the Philippine economy shall be in a place and in time where you can live well for less than $1000…….

            For anybody who is unprepared to live through an economic crisis it's going to be very painful— perhaps deadly.

          • It is now 2015. Things change, and they have, and not for the better economcally. Rent for a decent house in a fairly ok neighborhood. now costs at least… at least $350 equivalent. And where I live is cheaper than Manila and several other cities in the Philippines. Check it out before coming to the PI to live.

        • oscarwildeweenr says:


          “internationalizing” would not, (at least, it should not) mean chile only. Or any other only. Chile’s a potential roost. Not a root – tho that could turn out to be, but you’ll only know retrospectively, at the end (of your time), not in advance. only min liquidity infusions should be brought in to the roost kountry.

          To the would be koopers, you are whatever kennel documents “identify” you as being… you think casey has only one set of docs?

          Is Casey married to ‘tina? or to nancy? these boots are made for walkin’. He can, will move (some more) if he needs to, I’d bet. Tina (turner) split, too, btw. Nutbush couldn’t hold her.

          Anybody who has experience – or even merely can read – with these “1st world” shitholes knows how quickly they can become deathtraps. Or worse. How many inmates have gotten in touch with their inner inmates? Here’s a snapshot (visual) in time

          Your great grandfather wasn’t Japanese, was he? German? Livin’ la vida anecdota is a tune, but there are other songs… Ways around, goes around, comes back around, but possibilities…yes, possibilities, options, the more the better, are good. all (in) or nothing is not sensible.

          • oscarwildeweenr says:

            2nd amen to the con. Lots & lots of other color of law amens, too. all riligorously adhered to, those paper chain commandments – not. Magic words on magic paper. Magic’s Johnson – til it wasn’t (just that quick)(freud opined – probably didn’t – that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual & emotional maturity…but I think reverence for one’s own small armory could be a sign of the same thing. a lack of perspective, at the least… combine this with the durden bit, above, & it happened to Oscar wilde, too, for how he wielded his wiener….)….if, or when, the pushbutton round up comes, amply aided & abetted by duck(& cover)vichys-soise dime droppers – rifle, pony, thee, or all three – you’ll give, or die, or both. if you’re still just another ‘merkin, on ‘merkin “real estate” – land of the low/lower/lowest hanging fruit.

            ‘it can’t happen here.’(already has. Many times. Is happening. On the way, probably, to crescendo.) ‘it can’t happen to me.’ (sure.)

            Clueless establishmentarianism? That’s a much broader brush than just will’s streaky example.

            There’s clueless anti-establimentarianism, too.

            de-establishmenting, borg disconnecting, makes sense…mostly, probably, to those already deinstitutionalized, or capable of becoming so: “brooks was here”(blue pill) – “so was Red”(red pill). or, you’re more than your “identity” tattoo-papers. Unless, of course, you’re not: red, white & blue pill. Like this guy: which is realtor, real estate? What is owner?

          • RealitySeeker says:

            Howdy Pard,

            Nothing wrong with back doors out and away from the Empire—especially if you're saddlebags are full of dollars. Dollars can buy you enough options to make many things possible. And Doug's made enough to do as he pleases. I'm sure he'll land on his feet.

            The high sheriff has jurisdiction in all those Peronist countries, tho, and he also carries a big iron on his hip— not as big as Washington, but big enough. Just ask Doug.

            Reminds me of that wonderful song by Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins. Here's some travlin music for you, pard.

            Sorry, pard, but you're not going to find anyplace that offers good medical care, clean water, consumer goods and a quality lifestyle without also including a big iron on somebody's hip.

            I choose to homestead in amerika, for now, although I'm keeping an eye on other pastures. Homesteading in amerika allows me ( or anybody) many back doors. You just have to know how to unlock them. My wagon train is heading out with leather necks like Joel Skousen, James Wesley Rawles, Ron Paul, Alex Jones and the other cowpokes holden the reigns and riding shotgun. You go and blaze some trail to parts unknown, pard, I'll read your first-hand accounts with pleasure. Be sure and tell me how you outdrew the local talent.

            Pard, one other thing, after you're ambling down the trail leading south of the border please say howdy to Gold Hat for me.

            yeah. Send me a Western Union wire now and then, pard, and let me know how the gunfights turn out.

            Happy trails!

          • oscarwildeweenr says:

            Jurisprudence is the better part of jurisdiction. Just ask any compos mentis that’s been up against it at least once. “doug” prolly qualifies. I know I do. & strap-on size is not the point, however much it may be a fixation. proximity to strap-ons, & ability to alter that proximity, is the point – that you would glossily evade.

            Those tunes you link remind me of a time, down on the agua fria, in az. More of a creek, than a river. but part of the jurisprudence file.

            “You just have to know how to unlock them.” counseling “homesteading” the epicenter, while you sleeve unknown aces, to be out drawn as needed, sounds pretty convenient. For you. sounds like those stinkin’ unneeded “batches,” too.

            Or have I misunderstood your point? please explain, for this pilgrim, if that is the case. I do want to keep up. a first-hand how-to account, maybe. Or even just some narrative how-to. I’ve got a razor by occam, can get some nair, we’ll get down to the flesh. If we haven’t already.

            Lies, damn lies, & statistics generated thereby…..

          • RealitySeeker says:

            You really need more explanation? After the hundreds of exchanges we've had?

            Pard, you're worse than the goldbugs. Explaining to the goldbugs and dollar haters and empire haters like you what happens when a South Sea bubble pops is futile. They just don't get it. Sadly, I was like them, once, back in the 80s when a very rich man tried to explain to me how to the markets worked and why I should sell my gold before the bottom fell out of the gold market. And why I should be running off to some other country just because I thought the Empire was doomed. I didn't want to here his great advice. I was a die-hard goldbug and empire hater. Since then I've learned a thing or two.

            There's been five major bubbles since the 1720 South-Sea bubble. And they have all played out much the same, including the bubble in 29'. It's amazing how history rhymes. The carnage was ALWAYS the worst in the peripheral nations, i.e., the emerging markets. The Empire was always the best place to be when a bubble popped. The senior currency ALWAYS strengthened during a post bubble contraction. The goldbugs don't get it. Wars are what ends a senior empire, not popping bubbles. Unless there is nuclear war, Washington and the Federal Reserve will keep the Empires tribute rolling in. And all of the peripheral nations — including Chile— shall pay through the nose.

            So, do you really think the American Empire is going to end anytime soon? Then you better run your ass down as far away as you can. Quick. Me? I don't think Washington is going to fall anytime soon. It could, but that's a really long, long-shot. The goldbugs don't get it. They still think the dollar is doomed and the Empire is about to fall. The doomsday bugs don't it, either. They haven't studied— as i have— the 19 recessions which have taken place since the Federal Reserve act was passed and the banking cartel took over. They don't understand how empires end.

            I've sent you all of the information needed. I told you what would happen to gold, the dollar, China and German bunds 18 months in advance. I told you what would happen to the EM. You want more? Go do the research yourself. I sent you all the names you'll ever need.

            The dollar is the unit of account. No other country has that advantage. And the cartel are experts in using that advantage to maintain Federal Reserve hegemony.. The U.S. manufactures the unit of account, and the Chinese slaves manufacture the goods. And there isn't a damn thing that the Russians or Chinese can do about it. They've been checkmated.

            Gold goes lower. The Yuan goes lower. The ruble goes lower. The dollar goes higher. The Euro goes much lower. The U.S. Dow rises to over 30,000 — in due time— after it crashes. The sovereign bonds of Euroland implode. Japan goes down, too, badly, and so does the economies of many other nations including China. But not the U.S.— not yet.

            In the midterm, the U.S. Empire comes out on top. The rest are Trumped. Eventually, yes, the Empire falls, but not before many years have pasted.

            You want to run away to a crashing country? Go ahead.

            I'm preparing to profit from right here inside the Empire.

          • oscarwildeweenr says:

            “you really need more explanation?”

            no. but I can start adding this, if you need: (sarcasm). present me with anticlimaxes, wrapped in condescension that you have not earned, & that’s an effect you can expect.

            Financial profits, gold – buggy or otherwise, economic schools, bubbles, currencies, guns, Vietnam vintage domino metaphor-sales pitches…you’re stuck in one, low, gear. & when the rpm’s climb, here comes the whine – & no veritas in that vintage. Or vantage.

            The subject, as much as you are wont to ignore it, over & over again, is the safety, & freedom, of me & mine first, our assets second, from the most obvious imminent threat to both – which is not what happened to that losing side of Chileans, back in the 70’s – not even close. I couldn’t care less about empire’s “end” (which is not accurate, since the tumor always merely emigrates elsewhere…).

            A while back you came down hard, correctly, on a posit – that god & the Israelis had/have a contract. A couple days ago you posited the 2nd amen. It’s the same posit. Same “argument”. You posit the exceptional separateness of hi – where pacific fleet was pawned, ak – dunno off the cuff but is it gruesome-free? not likely, then tx – kennedy killing ground & hush-hush-hush (lone gunners always have 3 names…), land of Lyndon, & bush, & Clinton/reno/Waco, & remember the Alamo – bet that was thousands of miles from the nearest stop light. Same “argument.”

            Whatever it is you’re really leaning on, it’s not in your published arguments. Sleeved aces. So I give you what Raleigh so eloquently gave us all. “the lie.”

            I’m no thumper, my soles were made for walkin’, but you’ve also represented your biblical immersion. So, maybe this is your heel, Achilles: For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

          • oscarwildeweenr says:

            "i sent you all the names you'll ever need."

            here's one you sent. he popped up in lrc a few days ago.

          • RealitySeeker says:

            I love "voting with my feet", and my dollars. I love the goldbugs, political bugs like Ron Paul, Empire haters like Irwin Schiff, dollar haters, doomsday bugs and many others.. I try to get along, pard. I voted with my feet when I left NYC. I also voted with my feet when I left Thailand. I'm voting now, I'm just not quite the tumbleweed that you aspire to be.

            Yes, indeed. Love that "Of Two Minds" man, Charles Hugh Smith.. He's a tumbleweed, too, you know. And it just goes to show that not everybody with three names is a government-wind-up toy like Lee Harvey Oswald. It doesn't surprise me that LRC featured Charles. Charles' best work is done when he explains Triffin's Paradox. Although, I don't think the goldbugs like to hear about that too much. Gold is their Allah. And the dollar is the devil…. Anything other than their golden dogma is heresy. They'll have the last laugh, however, and like I've told you before: I'm starting to build a new position in gold, silver and other PMs. Gold is the ultimate insurance. I want some just in case I'm wrong about the future of the Empire and its Federal Reserve Notes.

            Lately, I'v been rereading Sir Thomas Gresham's letters. It's amazing how even back then the debt game was to borrow short-term (at less than 5%) and lend long-term ( up to 20%). The carry trade, debt roll-over and forex shuffle hasn't changed one bit other than become more complex and instantaneous. Gresham was a master, and well worth reading. But Charles ain't bad. It's why I pointed him out to you, because I knew you'd like some of his work. It fits in with what you're anchored too. He's kind of a crossover– a guy that everybody can find something they can agree with him on.

            I'm going to point out something else, too, pard, because I know you have itchy feet and you want to vote.. …A very good value is to be found in Nicaragua. For one thing, Daniel Ortega has made the country as safe or safer than any other in Central or South America. It's cheap, too. Damn cheap. For example, I can get a one-way, non-stop flight out of Houston to Managua for $66. The flight duration is only 3 hrs. Piece of cake. Just how I like it. Furthermore, the food is cheap. The accommodations are cheap. The entertainment is dirt cheap. The scenery is what you'd expect in a third-world county. The air is clean, and even the tap water isn't so bad. There is very inexpensive medical care, and some of it is almost as good as you'd probably need. And if something really, really serious comes up, it's not too far to a Houston hospital— only three hours back…..

            Nicaragua might be a good place to go get your feet wet, pard, then kick back, imbibe some Flor de Caña ( excellent, last time I had some) and watch the fireworks that are about to happen in the forex, bond, stock and commodity markets. Let me tell ya something, little tumbleweed, riding the markets is going to be like riding a bucking bronc. It's going to be quite a rodeo from Wall Street to Shanghai. So, I think a tumbleweed like you should be right happy as you watch from afar the horse biting the riders, bucking them off and trampling them but good. .

            Yeah. Poetic justice for a guy like you against Ronald Reagan, too, as you, a former amerika citizen, toast your new roost. I can see you there, pard. No joke. I'm not funnin you— well, maybe just a little, but i mean what I say.

            And who knows? You might just be lucky enough to escape an EMP attack on Washington. And the best part is that if you don't like your new roost, flying back to an amerikan coop would only cost chicken feed.

            Really, a guy like me could easily live off of less than a $1000 U.S. dollars per month down there in Granada, and I wouldn't have to cook, clean, drive or wash my cloths. All my time would be free time. Two people could get by on $1500. And I'm not trying to be a smart-ass. If you really want to go, I'd like to see you succeed. And who knows, you might even bump into me strolling the streets of Granada on one of my weekend getaways.

            By the way, the cigars there are almost as good as the Cuban.

            Good luck, tumbleweed, and I want a full report on whatever adventure you have.

          • oscarwildeweenr says:

            alright, rs.

            meantime, a partial report, just this bit of the subject, “You just have to know how to unlock them.”, is what i want.

            here's a tune. hits all the right notes. including what dominoes are for. & the band's name: perfect ::

        • Jim Hallett says:

          I did not mean to imply that Chile is perfect, but the southern hemisphere has far fewer bad actors than the northern hemisphere, and with only 17 million residents in a gorgeous land, 2.5 times the size of CA, there is nowhere near the govt. intrusion that exists in amerika. NZ is also on my list, but I think the opportunity (and cost of living is less) is greater in Chile. Both Chile and NZ produce lots of food, and when a crisis hits, it is important to not have to rely on imports from rogue nations. At this point, I still plan on spending half the year in North America – most likely on Vancouver Island/Victoria in Canada. While Argentina is beautiful and I can see why Doug Casey likes it, the criminal communists that run it have turned what was once one of the world's richest lands into a constant state of chaos. ALL govts. are corrupt (by definition), but one has to navigate their way around so as not to have all your assets subject to just one or two jurisdictions.

          • oscarwildeweenr says:

            just so. reasonable. as i see it, too.

          • RealitySeeker says:

            You didn't imply that Chile is perfect, just as I didn't imply that the U.S. is perfect. Far from it.

            Nobody knows the value of travel more than me— especially with regards to diversifying assets. I've had duel-citizenship for more than forty years. And I only wish that I had acquired more citizenship(s) when the getting was good and easy—-they could be easily had for as little as a few hundred dollars back then. For over a decade, I used Maui ( almost a separate country from mainland amerika) as a base for world travel. And I just surrendered my Alaska drivers license for a Texas one. Alaska, as I'm sure you know, is like a whole other country, too. So is Texas, where I'm at now. I own a ranch in Texas that's over 100 miles from the nearest stoplight. There's nobody who bothers me when I'm out there. And it's so beautifully western that you'd think any minute John Wayne was going to ride on in and sit a spell.. I don't have to travel all the way to Chile to live as good or better. That's all I'm sayin……amerika is so big that there are countries within countries. So why run from the Gestapo when you could actually be running to the next Caravan of Death?

            Moreover, Chile (or any other South American country) doesn't have a very good track record.

            By the way, neither NZ or Chile are autarkies. They are going to get hammered, badly, when the global economy turns down. They are dependent on exporting goods. Which is the main reason I'm staying put inside of the Empire. The Empire has the senior currency, banking system, stock market and military. Which means it's the last domino to fall.

            One last thing: travelling and residing in other countries was fantastic for me. My son almost married an Argentinian who was VP of a major export company. She was beautiful, well educated and very rich. So I get it. I really do. There's opportunities and adventure to be had in other countries. And right now the Colombian paso is crashing against the dollar, and so is the ringgit, and so are many currencies. Believe me, travel is in my blood and the trail beckons. So good luck, and let us know how you make out.

  15. jugry says:

    If Trump prevails and the republican establishment does not support him, he will threaten to defect, which will most certainly divide the republican vote and cost them the election …

    • Phil says:

      So maybe the established order falls sooner than later, because if not Trump I cannot see another candidate (well, perhaps Cruz or Rand Paul, maybe Jindal or a couple of others) who is going to alter our statist course. And perhaps that is not such a bad thing. Because pulling the scab of quickly may be far less damaging than ripping it slowly. Honest do not know, but too many fake "conservatives" governing like liberals have given freedom a bad name. I am over the RINO GOP. And as the Who song goes, will not get fooled again.

  16. theczech says:

    Alright, I'll share my idea. Do you really want to send a shock wave through the self righteous political elite? Voters from all political persuasions should vote out every incumbent for at least the next three national election cycles. "That's right, I said it"… Vote out the good, the bad and the ugly. Don't even let 'em get comfortable. Tell them not to change the paint in their offices as it may not have time to dry! Do the people really want to speak other than a bloody revolution? Yea? Then try this, I say. Here is what the "movement" could be called: "YOU'RE FIRED!"

  17. theczech says:

    The best and most effective border is an invisible one. Self-deportation works great. Remove the incentives for being here and people will self-deport…and pay for it.

  18. Richard Lee Van Der says:

    I recently read, because of this site, Ayn Rand's ATLAS SHRUGGED. Amazing that in the 1930s she predicted Ohole and his rotten gang. Could Donald Trump be the John Galt of our time?

  19. Texas Deb (Guest) says:

    In my late twenties, I purchased Looking Out for #1 when it was first published. It really helped me to understand that my life is my responsibility. "I'm an adult now" so I should stand on my own two feet and not lean on others like a needy, helpless, dependent child or welfare recipient. At that time, I had also been a huge fan of Dr James Dobson's Focus on the Family radio show. But on one of his otherwise great shows, he breezily dismissed your book based solely on its title (which was probably chosen not by you but by your publishers precisely to be an attention-getting "hook"). Dr Dobson actually claimed that your book fostered selfishness rather than its opposite, personal responsibility. I wrote Dr Dobson a kind letter defending your book, but he responded with a signed letter continuing his oddly defiant tone (so much for childishness). He continued insisting your book gloried selfishness while admitting he had never read it! Dobson lost my loyalty (and faithful donations) at that point. You just can't fix stupid.

    • Teri says:

      Thanks Deb, it's nice that someone read Mr. Ringer's book and got his meaning.
      I know of a bunch of people who are also "Looking out for #1". If they work, they put in the bare minimum and expect their co-workers to pick up their slack and if they don't work, they spend most of their time figuring out how many government programs they qualify for.
      I think I would just die if I found out I qualified for a government program but it seems half our population look at it as a badge of honor.
      Mr. Dobson better get on board with Mr. Ringer or else he's going to have to suppport those who won't support themselves and I would assume that would become very costly.

  20. Marie says:

    I have read all your books , and loved them .You are one of my American heroes , as I am a refugee from a "Socialist-Communist " Country .
    I think what brings this Country down is the PROGRESSIVE TAX on INCOME !
    Raising the minimum wage raises the taxes on the workers . Not just the Federal , but all the other "pay-roll " taxes .
    Why do people refuse to work ? They can't collect capital to further their life . Just treading water .
    So they turn to the Black Market , and Crime .
    Huckabee is the only candidate who understands this and wants to abolish the I.R.S. and institue the Fair Tax .
    I am surprised you don't support this as I know you understand economics better than most .
    P.S. The " Flat Tax " is better , but still progressive .

  21. Robert Ringer RJR says:

    Thanks, Deb. I've lived with this kind of stupidity and self-righteousness for decades. You know what they say about the heat in the kitchen.

  22. Richard Lee Van Der says:

    Yes, Ayn Rand also confirmed that one must take care of him/herself FIRST in order to be best for others. Doesn't that also sound like LOOKING OUT FOR #1?

  23. JOSEPH says:

    Robert, what do you think?Does THE DONALD have a chance for the presidency? I think he does because I really believe that no one this time around wants to elect a politician. I really believe that most people think if the elect another politician they will get more of the same. By the way, I'm a Libertarian but I do think Donald Trump could do a lot better than any of the other politicians. What do you think?

    • Robert Ringer RJR says:

      Yes, I believe he has a chance. I don't know if he'll be able to overcome the establishment Republicans who are determined to bring him down, but he has a chance. And don't care how many times he's voted Democratic or how liberal he'd be as president. I just want someone to shake things up in Washington and give the George Will's of the city apoplexy.

  24. Stogie2 says:

    I am fed up to my eyeballs with the do-nothing, go-along establishment Republicans. I am supporting Donald Trump because I see in him the best alternative to breaking up the Beltway Establishment and good ole boys club that keeps us always on the path to bigger and more government, and less and less freedom. Is Trump perfect? No, and I don't care. It's time to take some risks, and I will take the risk with Donald Trump.

  25. trs adorable Smart Balance Wheel, livraison agile moi suis ravie ce vendeur

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