Immortality versus Nothingness

Posted on July 14, 2015 by Robert Ringer Comments (65)


I recently read an article about Silicon Valley billionaires who are intent on finding the key to man’s most elusive dream, immortality. Included in the mix are such high-tech legends as Peter Thiel (cofounder of PayPal), Larry Ellison (cofounder of Oracle), and Sergey Brin (cofounder of Google). These Silicon Valley giants are pouring vast amounts of money into research to find a way to extend life.

Thiel, for example, has given $3.5 million to the Methuselah Foundation, whose main focus is on discovering drugs that cure seven types of age-related damages in an effort to prevent the human body from following its normal downhill path and, ultimately, simply wearing out.

But even this project is small potatoes compared to Google’s plans to invest billions in a partnership with pharmaceutical giant AbbVie in an effort to create a drug to mimic foxo3, a gene associated with long life span.

All this is quite exciting, but perhaps a more meaningful question is whether immortality already exists in the form of life after death. In other words, is it possible that mankind is gifted with immortality, but only a tiny fraction of that immortality is experienced during life here on earth? If so, the billions in research the Silicon Valley giants are committing to “curing death” becomes somewhat of a moot point.

Of course, the possibility of life after death raises all kinds of unanswerable questions. For example, is everyone included in the deal, or just “good people?” And, if the latter, it raises yet another question: Who decides who is good enough to be granted immortality?

Undoubtedly, the answer most people would give to such a question is that God decides, and it may very well be the correct answer. But from our limited secular perspective, how can we ever hope to have even the slightest idea of how God’s rating system works?

Is the guy who screwed you in a business deal going to be prevented from living forever? What about the fact that, no matter how sure you are that he’s a dishonest character, he adamantly believes that he didn’t do anything wrong? Or — as is usually the case — he probably believes it is you who screwed him?

It takes a great deal of naiveté to believe that the guy you see as being 100 percent in the wrong agrees with your assessment. Experience has convinced me that even in the most egregious cases of my getting shafted, the shafter honestly believes that he didn’t do anything wrong.

And if someone actually acknowledged that he was dishonest (which I can’t even imagine), would he be punished with nonexistence after death along with people like Charles Manson and O.J. — or, worse, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid? If everyone ends up in the same place after they die, regardless of the kind of life they led while in their human form here on earth, what’s the purpose or point of life?

Helen Keller had a fascinating view of death from a blind person’s perspective, saying, “I know my friends not by their physical appearance but by their spirit. Consequently death does not separate me from my loved ones. At any moment I can bring them around me to cheer my loneliness. Therefore, to me, there is no such thing as death in the sense that life has ceased.”

British philosopher Alan Watts had an equally interesting take on death when he said, “There is no separate ‘you’ to get something out of the universe. … we do not come into the world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. … When the line between yourself and what happens to you is dissolved, you find yourself not in the world, but as the world.” (I would suggest that this is the equivalent of a sort of human pantheism, but that’s a discussion I’ll resist getting into in this article.)

In this Watts’s view, the physical body gives form to spirit in a similar way that language gives form to thought. The idea is that spirit and thought always exist, but the emergence of the physical body and language make them visible and audible, respectively.

While it is certainly possible that nothingness follows death, the term itself raises an obvious question. If nothingness is our destiny, why would we be here in the first place? What meaning does life have if there is nothing beyond it?

How could we even know of our own existence — or have an existence at all — if the universe is benign? Simply put: How do you get something out of nothing?

Some readers might be thinking, “Perhaps the purpose of every human being is to advance the human race and make the world a better place for future generations.” Sounds idealistic, but not logical.

If advancement of the human race is the endgame, yet every human being ultimately descends into nothingness, there’s not much substance to man’s purpose. Human beings would be like windup toys, hanging around until they break down — after which time they are thrown away. Kind of depressing, if you ask me.

In any event, since we won’t know if we’re immortal or headed for nothingness until we leave our earthly form, it’s probably not a good investment of time to give it too much thought. Better to focus on the here and now — hoping that the here and now is not just an illusion of our consciousness — and try to be a better person every day than you were the day before.

Better at what? For starters, how about being a better husband or wife, a better father or mother, a better sibling, a better friend, a better creator of value in the marketplace, and better at being more tolerant, gracious, kind, and, above all, grateful. And, of course, better at connecting with the Universal Power Source.

For most of us, I suspect that’s a pretty substantial — and worthwhile — to-do list. And beyond that — who knows? — we just might just end up meeting on the other side. Stay tuned.

Robert Ringer

+Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.

65 responses to “Immortality versus Nothingness”

  1. Jordan says:

    What an enlightening and thoughtful article!

  2. You are out of your element on this one, Sir. Apparently not very well-read in Spiritual Philosophy such as ancient Indian… of India… thought. Or Taoist thought, or the original Buddhism. Or just plain ol' British and American Spiritualism. And then there is "The Church" but I long ago abandoned most of its mythology. I suppose this essay will appeal to those on that level since few of the general population devote themselves to study and contemplation of such matters. And to an extent, it is understandable since the "normal" person has to concern himself with "making a living" and supporting others, in a word, the way of Materialism and not much concern from spirituality other than perhaps passing motions fo "going to church" like good automatons. Few people, like me, devote themselves to Intellect and Spirit… instead aspire to "security"… of which there is none. A balance between the material and spiritual while in embodied life is best of course, since were are HERE for a relatively short time. But, as Krishnamurti pointed out, it may be best to believe everything and anything "tentatively" since we humans are "limited knowers". In any case, I believe many people are going to be very surprised when they wake up and find themselves "dead".

    • Phillip says:

      Such enlightened arrogance. We should all aspire to be complete asses.

    • Bernadette Saliba says:

      Well said – of course you are very knowledgeable and, as a psychic counsellor, probably have had plenty of irrefutable proof of life after death (or, as you imply, our continuingness, before before and after life in our earthly bodies). Robert's reference to god is in contrast to his reference to a higher universal power, universe meaning the entire cosmos and god meaning here a person who sits up in the sky lol! Or in heaven as one nice lady replies on here. As for the disgruntled replier, he can count me in on the ones who think they know better; I read the nice lady's account, similar to that given to me in preschool-age sunday school, but really I have moved on a little since the age of 4. I don't know anything at all for sure, but I'm not happy to settle for the idiot's version!

    • Kelly says:

      Well bully for you. I've spent the better part of a lifetime studying various religions, meditation and spiritual beliefs and have come to a simple conclusion: life is to be enjoyed. Live to be happy and to enjoy each moment as much as possible. Don't waste time striving for answers to arbitrary questions because at the end of the day all the answers are merely opinions (and yes, I'm aware of the irony of this statement being my opinion).
      Some might find meaning and happiness in religion but for me this led to a bitter end with the ashes of my life blowing away in the wind. Liars and charlatans abound where the religious congregate to take advantage of the faithful/gullible, and not just among the leadership. Best learn to be happy in this life and enjoy it because if there is an afterlife and you're a miserable person, well I'm not sure what would suddenly change you to make you happy in the afterlife.

      • Richard Lee Van Der says:

        Happiness is nice, but personal evolution is best.

      • CARA NOME says:



  3. Sue says:

    Please Don't waste your time and/or money.
    God and His plan will ultimately take place.
    Gods son, Jesus died on a cross, rise from the dead & is now living in heaven w/ his father God… He died to forgive us of our sins, & if we ask for that forgiveness & ask Him in our heart to dwell, Then we'll have LIFE EVERLASTING …. It's a free gift, through His Grace. Just have faith & BELIEVE !!

    • FRANK CARMEN, L.r.c. says:

      Sue: First, some {maybe 5%} of my Background before I comment on your Post {that starts with "Please don't waste your time and/or money."}: I was born into & raised in a devout Catholic Family. My Parents remained Married to each other until their deaths, deeply committed to each other, with mutual High Biblical Moral Standards!
      My Family started learning & practicing "Evangelical Christianity" {Episcopalian} & "Charismatic Catholicism" by the time I was age 10, well
      before those Terms were even 'popularized' and used by Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, etc., men whom I DEEPLY RESPECT to this day! My Very large Italian Family included two Catholic Priests {Uncles} — who were my Idols! And a few Nuns.
      My Parents put me in a Private Parochial School at age 9, & I Graduated the 12th. Grade there.

      I EXCELLED in the School's "Sacred Studies" Classes, which was the School's name for their FIVE YEAR, Word-For-Word study of The Bible Course.
      So, I was awarded THE "HELLD MEMORIAL REWARD" for that achievement, and It was PERSONALLY GIVEN To Me By THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, when He visited the U.S.A. in 1963!

      With that quantifying & qualifying of my background, which I abandoned when I was 18 and escaped the Intellectual Domination of "The Church" and ALL of Its FICTION, I just have one response to your what You Wrote:


      All You have to do is furnish a scintilla of Proof here, and I will contact You through my Contacts in this Website so I can facilitate the Payment.

    • Patrick says:

      Dreamer you… Good luck

  4. Mike Miller says:

    Great thought provoking article, Robert. I have always considered myself either an agnostic if that means somebody who thinks that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond the material world. I think it takes too much faith to be an atheist or a believer in any religion. I'm wondering if you have ever categorized your belief system? I know you have referred in past articles to the "Conscious Universal Power Source" or some such, and I find that to be a distinct possiblility.

    • Richard Lee Van Der says:

      Yes, there is a distinct difference between KNOWING and BELIEVING. Socrates, via Plato, said, "The greatest knowledge is to know that we do not know." J. Krishnamurti spoke of "tentativity of belief". He believed something totally… until something "more true" came to displace his prior belief. What else can we do as "limited knowers"? In any case, thinking gives perspective… such as… how long we are in a life by contrast to "eternity".

    • FRANK CARMEN, L.r.c. says:


      Prepare to have your Life changed in the most Positive, and dramatic way You have ever imagined!!

      There IS The Answer, and I'll be leaving You the Mind Bending, Cosmic Details in a Few days!

      This is NOT a Joke Nor a Scam!!

      My Name Is FRANK CARMEN, L.r.c., and I Discovered The Answers To The Worlds Problems
      in 1978. And it has taken me this long to finally be able to Bring to Humanity:
      "LIFE: The Scientific Substitute of the Concept called "God" — Which Is LIFE, The Creator!

      You can contact me at DNEIRF-NEWSLETTER@USA.NET
      I am so Busy, that all I can accept to respond to anyone is a Phone Number!

  5. Please excuse all my typos in my comments above.

    • Carol says:

      I did not note them. Picture me with my hands over my ears and a bubble over my head that reads blah – blah – blah – blah – blah! You sir would be an insufferable bore to have a conversation with…as are all people with a superiority complex. No meanness intended…just being honest.

      • Robby Bonter says:

        Carol, may I say I think you are wonderful. For this, and previous postings of yours.

        • CARA NOME says:




          • Blank Reg says:

            So you claim you are spiritually aware, but are not aware enough in THIS reality to grasp that, on the internet, using all-caps is tantamount to "shouting". Was that your intention?

      • Richard Lee Van Der says:

        Only because you choose to be a limited person.

  6. larajf says:

    Every beginning meant the end of something. I know I'm an immortal spirit having a human experience right now. Prolonging it seems silly. I'll be here as long as I need to, and then move on to the next thing.
    I must say, I feel sorry for the people looking for that instead of focusing on the moment and enjoying today. I'm grateful if the money does go to find better treatments for things like cancer. I don't think we'll ever "cure" cancer in that it's systemic of our bodies and cells, but it would be nice to have better treatments.

    • theczech says:

      I'm with you…although "knowing" is problematic in itself, I do definitely have the sense that the human spirit is immortal. It also makes great sense to me that "God" creates, though not destroys, and is found in the creation itself – including flawed human beings.

      Great to see you posting again larajf!

      • larajf says:

        We should sit down with a bottle of wine some day and I'll explain to you why I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Everyone has to get there at their own pace though.

      • Richard Lee Van Der says:

        The Ancients of India taught that the process is threefold: Creation, Perpetuation, Destruction… and then next round… over and over again.

  7. Nice one. I learnt something new, about how Watts thinks of matter and spirit. When I read first, it was as though spirit emanated out of matter. But in the end they became separate entities. It was as though we come non living from the living and living from the non living!!! recycling. origin—dissolution cycle. Life is a cycle. Energy is a cycle. In a cycle/circle there is no beginning, no end. Each point is unique and imagine if earth is one cycle, infinite cycles of matter and spirit, that is the cosmos. It simply was, is and will be. No creator. Everything simply existed and as Einstein said, E=Mc squared, matter just changes from one form to other. The curiosity to learn makes life the most interesting. Isn't it. Nature is kind to us. For if you learn deep enough, completely enough, know everything….then life looses its charm. You become a victim of life. So God is kind. He keeps us learning the secret of life for ever, so that life becomes interesting and we keep searching for a meaning to life where there is really none. So what do you choose? from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from suffering to bliss….that is the path of life. Thank you Ringer. Hope you are aware of one great thing known as Ringer's solution in biology. Do you know how, when and where that Ringer's solution was invented? try to know and get back to me. Thank you for making me think, the best thing I can do.

  8. greggsan says:

    I can think of nothing more presumptuous than to recommend a book to another author, but I recently read a remarkable book on this very subject… In fact, it offers some answers to the questions you pose… It offers SOME answers, not necessarily THE answers. 🙂

    FWIW, Robert, I think you'll enjoy "The Top Ten Things Dead People Want To Tell You" by Mike Dooley. I have no personal stake in it, only to share my fascination with the ideas he presents, so do with this info what you will…

    And keep writing your delightful column. It's always a treat.

  9. Robby Bonter says:

    Chemically-induced longer life means, ultimately, 50 billion people on the planet. But not to worry, as
    Ann Coulter stated in an anti-abortion-topic interview with Bill O'Reilly, some time ago: "When we over-populate the earth we can colonize Mars." Honest to God, she REALLY said that. And lost me forever, as one who thought she was lucid and rational, until that moment when her brain cells vaporized.

    Life Extension, or whatever you want to call it, is yet another means of tampering with Mother Nature, and the surest way to cultivating our own long-term hell on earth, this side of nuclear war. But we always seem to miss that part of the equation. I am blessed to see things in the context of Nature first, synthetics last, because years ago my father made a wise observation, while he and I were watching a football game on tv, being played on astro turf, which we both abhored, to wit: "You can't beat Nature."

    Simple, yet profound. Yet we continue to devolve further and further from nature's plan, in many areas, "marrying" people of the same sex being our latest societal flaunting of the symmetry and beauty of what respect for Nature's plan, and the world we inherit, should be.

    So you can take those Silicon Valley jackass/tycoons who desperately need more worlds to conquer as their "legacy," and run from them as fast as you can, before they make blathering 500-year old robots out of the rest of us.

    • Carol says:

      May I return the compliment, Robby! I live in this world and enjoy all that life has to offer, shaking my head a times at the folly of humanity, and the arrogance of the spiritually deprived. You are not of that ilk…bouquets!

    • mtsherz says:

      I am sure you would have fit in well in the 15th century. You would fit in well with those idiots who rejected human progress and we would still be bleeding humans to cure their illnesses.

      • Rob Bonter says:

        If real progress begins down at your local Big Pharma lab, man, is the human race in trouble!

        • Jim Hallett says:

          AMEN@! There is no worse threat to human health than the Big Pharma menace! Unfortunately, they have so many convinced the "cure" is in some chemical, when it has ALWAYS been in nature. Btw, many of us become trolls on the sports blogs as they seem to encourage it, and there is almost no limit to the kind of extreme statements being spewed!

          • Robby Bonter says:

            Good point, Jim. This site is where substance and fundamental values reside. The rest, starting with the hockey and basketball blogs I visit, is so shallow and superficial, where it comes to the real issues confronting everyone in today's world, I come away feeling empty, inside, for dealing with the low life creatures who populate those places – which makes me one of them – given that I don't want to be a hypocrite, under any circumstances.

      • Robby Bonter says:

        That is one of the nicest and most appreciated compliments anyone has ever paid me, intended as such, or not? Thank you, Sir!

  10. Bryan says:

    We are spirit beings with a soul living in a body. Everyone lives forever, the question is where. This is what faith in Jesus Christ determines. We don't just go into nothingness once the body dies. That's just the starting line for the real adventure. We're put here to choose our path.

    • theczech says:

      A decision that big cannot be left to humans. Unmerited favor (grace) is applied to all or none, otherwise it wouldn't be unmerited. Faith (that which one believes in with words and action… think brakes on a car) is a rather fickle thing when left up to us humans. It begs the question: how much faith?

      Jesus is more about the Word than the man, more about the promise than the object. Jesus means "God Saves." So whether one is a philosopher on Mars Hill, a soldier in the field, a scoundrel plying his trade, etc. any could say that is either truth or not. That this hypothesis is set before us is no reason to assume or believe that the veracity of it is dependent upon our level of trust in it. On the contrary, a hypothesis needs testing and retesting. If God is to be found in His creation, then that is probably a good place to start. For example, if a dead seed is planted in moist soil and grows, was that result of new life dependent upon the seed's level of faith? Isn't it more comforting to imagine that living a life like RJR describes in the conclusion of his article has its' own reward? That immortality is distinct from that action or behavior and solely dependent upon the Creator?

    • CARA NOME says:


  11. theczech says:

    The finite can never completely know the infinite. We can ponder and speculate as Mr. Ringer has so eloquently done here, which is great fun if kept in proper perspective. I especially like what RJR has postulated elsewhere: as far as we know, we are the only creatures whose atoms are arranged such that we can even contemplate our very existence (forgive me for the paraphrasing). Wow!

  12. Paul Anthony says:

    What if your last conscious thought in this life determines your state of mind for all eternity?

    The crotchety man whose dying words are "Don't let my children have any of my money!" would spend eternity in a hell of his own creation. That's okay, it's how he lived his life.

    Think nice thoughts ~ you never know which one might be your last.

  13. seifpro says:

    "It’s probably not a good investment of time to give it too much thought."

    This should have been the lead line of the article. We do not need to give it thought as we already know the one and only living God sacrificed his only son for us to live in eternity. It is a good idea to invest time praising him for this. God Bless Robert!

  14. I look at life extension as sort of a mirror image of Pascal's Wager: If God exists (or whatever other metaphysical belief you may have, such as reincarnation) such that there is some kind of afterlife, you'll find out if and when you die. In the meantime, assuming (like myself) that you enjoy life, why not postpone that decision point as long as possible? Postponing death doesn't make that afterlife go away (if there is one), it just delays it. And if turns out there is no afterlife, such that death is final and your existence just ends, then you definitely want to delay it and indeed make every effort to avoid it. So the logical thing to do is to try to accelerate medical progress so as to slow and eventually stop aging, followed by efforts to actually rejuvenate the body. Also accelerate medical progress to cure illnesses, and to repair/replace/regrow damaged organs caused by either accidents or hostile activities. As a final resort, perfect suspended animation for those instances where a medical problem is not yet solved, and backup our brains and memories (in case of really catastrophic events) so that they can be transplanted into cloned bodies.

    So a big "Yay!" to Peter Thiel, Larry Ellison, Sergey Brin, and anyone else who is willing to put their money and their influence into the cause of life extension. Let's aim for immortality in this life. If we don't achieve it, at least we've tried, and we're better off than if we'd died sooner. I think it's a lot better wager than the one Pascal proposed.

    • Blank Reg says:

      100 years ago, there were many human ailments that were sentences to an early death, or a crippled, limited life. They have since been cured/vaccinated against. You can use the new tools coming up to vastly extend your life, or choose not to use them. Or use them a few hundred years, then opt out. Point is, we're now seeing aging itself like we've seen every other human ailment, a terminal illness seeking a cure. How long you live will become a choice, and every death from here on in a potential suicide. I have no philosophical problems with this. But maybe I watched too many "Highlander" TV shows. 😉

  15. Sean Baltz says:

    great writing

  16. Paul Herring says:

    Thanks for your interesting post as always, Robert. These are words of a thinker – that's why they appeal to most of us.

    Life without end is a fundamental Biblical tenet. God, whose name in the Bible is Jehovah, purposed that man was to live forever and his role was to extend the boundaries of the Garden of Eden earthwide. It didn't happen of course but that doesn't mean God's purpose has been thwarted. If his purpose has been thwarted it means that God's isn't what the Bible says he is, almighty.

    God's original purpose will be fulfilled. The earth will be filled with people who are prepared to do things God's way and in that earth He will grant Man the blessing of everlasting life. When I first heard this it sounded like a Utopian dream, but having studied the Bible now for more than 40 years my belief in it is stronger than ever. Indeed, this Bible-based hope is mankind's only hope for a secure, worthwhile future. This is a very brief summary of this hope, but a detailed study will reveal all of God's will and pirposes.

    All of these Silicon Valley heavyweights can postulate on eternal life's possibilities to their heart's content, but they won't ever find it unless they consult the most-widely published book in history, the Bible. Then living according to its laws, principles and advice will be perhaps an even greater challenge, but the reward is worth it.

    • Phil says:

      I am not a traditionalist when it comes to religion, despite being Christian, but it does amaze me more each year how much common sense and wisdom is contained in the Bible. Inasmuch as there is such a thing as human nature, it would seem that the generally accepted maxims taken from the book, whether inspired by God or not, align well with what is required to attain happiness in this world.

      • Paul Herring says:

        Gracious remarks, Phil. Yes, the Bible is truly a commonsense book, it's timeless and its principles always work when applied, then and now.

  17. Phil says:

    Another great article. I have long thought that the inability of modern American elites to come to grips with death accounts somewhat for the insane policy trajectory that we have been witnessing. They want a long a perfect life, without pain, and somehow refuse to accept their own mortality. Hence the desire to create a risk-free society and a fool's utopia here on earth. Also a certain cowardice. I am not saying it is the only driving force, but rather, a significant factor among many.

  18. Paul L. Fruend says:

    What makes books so valuable, is in them you can learn something in ten minutes, that took somebody all their life to learn. No matter how smart or stupid you are, you are always smarter at the end than when you first started.You spend a life time learning everything you do, then you retire and die. Wouldn't it be great if everybody could write down the main thing they learned in their life before they die, where It can be then fed into computers to create master book each year, of the "best of the best," so people can learn in a short time, what others spent their life learning. and not let all that dormant ability go to waste? I just wrote down the best thing I learned in 76 years on the meaning of life that is too long to write here, that I am passing on to my grand kids. Maybe you should do the same.

    • Richard Lee Van Der says:

      Nice comment, Paul!

    • Rob Bonter says:

      Best things I have learned, or at least come to appreciate in my lifetime, are the related values of privacy and freedom, which in today's world are virtually extinct!

      • Jim Hallett says:

        INDEED! And the lesson is that one has to seek out a place where they are still revered, and it is a very short list, or to do as the late Harry Browne opined in his book, "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World". It sure ain't the USA!

  19. Every Friday, After Life – Evidence Victor and Wendy Zammit
    http://www/ Excellent!
    If that which we call God, the Force, the One, the All, the Ground of Being, etc. IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE… and IF we are a PARTICULAR in the UNIVERAL, then we too are "eternal"… or undying. One might say that we continue to exist as pure Mind-Spirit in another dimension, at a different (fome the Earth Plane) rate of vibration…. something like that. Maybe. Probably. Certainly. Take yer pick.

  20. Richard Lee Van Der says:

    Two of the ancient "proofs" for the existence of God always stuck with me over the years. Augustine? Acquinas? The Argument from Design AND God as First Cause. RE the first: is there in fact design, or is that only human perception? Regarding "First Cause"… Must there be a first cause, especially if Reality always was… or is it human mind that thinks in terms of causation, and requires a "logical" First Cause? Causation in general is an interesting topic… for those who are interested…

  21. Jay says:

    I believe men once looked at the sea, with it's unfathomable distance and storms, knowing that it could never be crossed. Some believed it could. That is God. A God that is within each of us.
    Perhaps this Earth is an egg, where the yolk is used to produce the creature that leaves the egg and doesn't look back..

  22. Paul Herring says:

    Immortality, more particularly eternal life, is in men's hearts states the Bible at Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 – because God put it there. Sadly, the so-called Christian churches have disotorted this to make it appear that a person has to die to get there and then only does he get immortality in Heaven.

    The Church has taken completely away the concept that God created humans to live on earth. But it is God's purpose that our planet will become a paradise in the future. Only those who are prepared to do things God's way will live in this cleaned-up, restored earth. Why so? Because if God let everyone live in it we'd quickly have what we have now – near-anarchy and a near-ruined earth.

    Finally, in time God purposes to remove imperfection from righteously-inclined humans. He's already made provision for that in the ransom sacrifice of his son, Jesus. So it's all in place and in God's due time he will 'fix it all up' and those of mankind who are prepared to accept God's rulership over them will live everlastingly. This is the only workable, believable and feasible "plan" for mankind's future. And it's all in the Bible.

  23. Enjoy your life as much as you can, for you will be a long time dead. — loose translation of an ancient Irish proverb.

  24. Harsman says:

    Because of no one can believe that he will live forever, then all they have died. Why no one can believe that he can live forever? May be if one can believe that he will live forever then he will never die. But as we finite then we will never know what is the truth. Therefore, in the end, our limit is our own belief.

  25. Paul l. Fruend says:

    Would it surprise you to find out that you are not a body that has a Soul? You are a Soul/Spirit that is living in a body during the short time you have on earth.
    THE ONLY THING THAT REALLY MATTERS IS WHERE YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT SPENDS ETERNITY. “For what does a man profit, if he should gain the whole world and lose his own Soul?” Matthew 16:26"
    Deep within everybody’s heart, they know there is a GOD, a creator of all things. You fool only yourself if you don’t believe we serve only one purpose, that the “Glory of God.”
    God is “LOVE.” Real love can only be given and received on a “free will” basis. (That could be why God presented man with a “choice” right from the beginning. At one point in time, man was perfect, sinless, and had complete fellowship with his creator. Man made a conscious decision to disobey God, and has been separated from the living God, and paying the consequences of sin since that day. “Satan,” who is outside the realm of salvation was anointed by God as your choice of who to follow. (Maybe, because “Free will,” meant nothing if there is not anything to choose. From the start, God valued “Real Love” enough to give us freedom to love and choose Him.)
    The GOOD NEWS is: During your short time on earth, “YOU” can still make the choice of returning to be with your Creator, or follow Satan. (It’s your choice, just remember, we all have an expiration date.)
    Everything in Heaven is perfect. Nobody can make themselves perfect. “ONLY” those that believe in “Jesus” as their Savior can be made perfect again.
    Believe it or not: Most people will not see Heaven. (“Narrow is the gate to Heaven, and broad is the road that leads to destruction. Matthew 7:13) (Whoever is not with me is against me.” Matthew 12:30.)
    For sure, your life here on earth is not about nothing. Our creator loves us all, and wants all of us to return to live in Heaven with Him. We are not his puppets, it's our choice.

  26. Paul L. Fruend says:

    For all of you that are deep thinkers:
    God created you in his own image. In the image of God He created male and female. (Genesis 1:27) and gave them "Free Will."
    The image or likeness of GOD refers to the immaterial part of man that sets us apart from the animal world,and fits man for the dominion God intended him to have over the earth.(Genesis 1:29) and enables him to commune with his maker.
    Man can reason & can choose. This is a reflection of God"s intellect and freedom. Anytime someone enjoys a symphony, invents anything, writes a book, paints a landscape, calculates a sum, or names a pet, he or she is proclaiming the fact that we are made in God's image.
    Morally, man was created in righteousness and perfect innocence, a reflection of God's Holiness.
    Our conscience or "moral compass" is a vestige of that original state.
    Whenever someone recoils from evil, praises good behavior, or feels guilty, they are confirming the fact we are made in God's own image.
    The entire human race fell victim to the "SIN" nature with the fall of man. (Not God's will, "man's" choice.)

    God's judgment day will come, where He separate good from bad and discards the bad with Satan into everlasting Hell.
    God will destroy "evil" forever.
    " Do not be deceived, GOD cannot be mocked. A man sows that shall he also reap."
    "SIN" is the breaking of God's laws.
    While we are on earth, man's good or bad decisions can affect everybody, even for generations, which is the reason why bad things do happen to :good people."
    What a waste of money, trying to live forever. Because being made in God's image we all already have have eternal life "Life ever lasting.."
    Life on earth is just a small space, where we spend eternity is the only thing that matters.

  27. CARA NOME says:


  28. CARA NOME says:



  29. CARA NOME says:


  30. Jay says:

    To live a life of three score and ten, whilst seeing others living for hundreds of years or more. That must be THE greatest envy.

  31. Gary Waltrip says:

    I tend towards belief in an afterlife. The near death experience seems to show us that we are not our bodies, but a conscious being that lives within. I don't belong to any religion, which to me seems like locking your mind in a cage. I am open to discovery without preconceived notions. I also believe that ultimate truth is beyond a human's ability to grasp it. Nevertheless, learn as much as you can, don't imagine that your impressions/biases/beliefs are the laws of nature, and that those who disagree are idiots.

  32. Greg Dail says:

    I look at it like this, science tells us energy (matter) can neither be created or destroyed. Therefore where did it all come from? This for me is proof of a supreme being. Secondly, Saint Thomas Aquinas made the point that in the hierarchy of being man can no more understand God's ways anymore than the horse can understand why the rider wishes to go right or left. It's beyond our comprehension. Simple really.

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